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What Makes NonprofitPress Different?



NonprofitPress has always been a holistic solution for nonprofits to publish online. While we built this platform on the robust, enterprise-ready CMS powering almost half the web, NonprofitPress is a cut above the big name WordPress hosting providers. From our US-based pro support to our years of experience with not-for-profits, we build relationships to empower organizations in the digital era.

Modern Hosting: Managed Cloud

When selecting a web host for your organization’s website, you’ll have a couple types to choose from, Shared or Dedicated hosting, with managed and unmanaged variants of each.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting refers to many websites or applications running on the same server. Typically, this means the CPU cores/threads, memory, and storage speeds are shared across all sites on the server. If one or more sites on the server receive an abundance of traffic, other sites on the server may have degraded performance.


  • Relatively more affordable
  • Typically less maintenance


  • Server load affects all sites
  • No direct or limited access
  • No or limited configuration

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting, as you’ve probably deduced, refers to running one site or application per server. Typically this is through virtualization, where one physical machine hosts two or more virtual servers (VPS). Otherwise it means dedicated machines, which are significantly more expensive. In either case, server resources are dedicated to individual sites, always.


  • Dedicated server resources
  • Direct access
  • Server configuration


  • Typically requires maintenance (unmanaged)
  • Requires technical knowledge (unmanaged)

NonprofitPress Cloud is a managed, dedicated VPS platform – the server belongs to your org and only your org. Server software updates, backups, and routine maintenance are part of our service – that means zero maintenance on your end. The core CMS and platform features are also managed, but allow you to dive in and configure options like any other dedicated host.

Continuous Updates, Support

If you’ve managed a website before, you know it’s impractical to set it up once and forget about it. Modern, effective websites – especially those built on a CMS – need changes and fixes over time. We also provide US-based support for everything from hosting to plugins in our Library.

Typical WP Site Lifetime

  • First design and deployment ($$$$)
  • Regular content updates by you
  • Occasional hired content update ($)
  • Hire developer to change/fix theme ($$)
  • Hire developer to redesign theme ($$$)
  • Hire developer to add functionality ($$)
  • Pay host to upgrade resources ($)

NonprofitPress Site Lifetime

  • First design and deployment ($$$)
  • Regular content updates by you
  • Occasional hired content update ($)
  • Regular updates/fixes (inc.)
  • Annual theme review/refresh (inc.)
  • Add or request new features (inc.)
  • Anytime 1-Click Upgrades (inc.)

Our Cloud solution is a blend of dedicated, private web hosting with SaaS-level updates and support. This extends beyond WordPress itself: Migrations, admin support, and refreshes are part of the process. Our seasonal update “bundles” include quality-of-life improvements and new features for both WordPress and your custom theme.

Zero Lock-Ins

One of the beautiful things about the open-source WordPress CMS is adaptability. You can run it on almost any web host, host it yourself, or use it as a service. You can also migrate – from different servers or hosting providers. NonprofitPress Cloud, built on a managed WordPress service, is compatible with any existing website or web host that supports WordPress.

We can migrate any existing WordPress-based website to NonprofitPress Cloud. If you ever choose to leave, you can export your entire site at your convenience:

  • Use Shipper Pro‘s API Migration to move your site files and data to/from almost any host
    • Remote host must be publicly accessible over HTTPS
  • Use Shipper Pro‘s Package Migration to create an export of your files and data
    • The export package is a ZIP archive containing your web root (WP) directory and SQL dump
  • From the MWP Cloud control panel, create and export a backup, or any existing backup
    • The export package is an encrypted archive; The matching installer.php file is required
    • Upload the archive and installer to any WP root directory, then navigate to the page to install

NonprofitPress Cloud scales to and with your organization. You can change or cancel your hosting and attached products or services at any time – from your WP Dashboard, MWP Cloud control panel, or by chatting with us.