Create a Quick-Change Request
Any editor task that can be completed within 20 minutes counts as a quick-change for our wizards. So if your time is limited or you just want to augment your in-house editors, Quick-Changes can be purchased as needed, in advance, or included with your plan.
If your organization has QCR credits available, the credit will be deducted automatically and you may not immediately receive an invoice.
HINT: If you create QCRs from your WP Dashboard or the NonprofitPress app, all of the contact and site details will be pre-filled for you 🙂
Get Support or Custom Development
Have a detailed or multi-part question that requires additional attention? Please submit a support or development request that will be addressed (via email) by the appropriate team. Custom development requests will quote before billing.
If your organization has Support or Development credits available, the credit will be deducted automatically and you may not immediately receive an invoice.
HINT: If you create requests from your WP Dashboard or the NonprofitPress app, all of the contact and site details will be pre-filled for you 🙂
Chat with the wizards experts
When available, you can now chat with our team directly through our site or app. If the button below is hidden, chat is either unavailable or the queue has reached its limit.
Questions about NonprofitPress?
NonprofitPress Bot typically lives on your site and can post articles and generate reports for you. But here on our site, NonprofitPress Bot can answer questions and help you find documentation for all of our in-house plugins and features, as well as many third-party and licensed plugins.