NonprofitPress Updates – New for Jan 2023



Our January update includes (almost exactly) 2023 patches, improvements, and new features across our built-in and bundled plugins and services.

Updates and Improvements 💯

Donations and eCommerce

GiveWP Funds and Designations by GiveWP

  • New: Funds can now be manually sorted by dragging and dropping them in the admin
  • Enhancement: Fund column now displays in the new donations list table

GiveWP Recurring Donations by GiveWP

  • New: Now supports recurring donations for the Authorize.Net gateway!
  • New: Subscriptions admin list table is new and improved like the other list tables!

GiveWP Form Field Manager by GiveWP

  • Fix: Section fields do not break manual donations.
  • Change: The repeater field uses the new GiveWP validation api introduced in 2.24.0.

Community and Events

The Events Calendar by Tribe Events

  • New: Exclusive calendar, grid, and RSVP templates for NonprofitPress users
  • Fix – Modifications to custom tables registration to ensure all sites get the new 6.0 table schema, preventing 404 and other related issues. [TEC-4631]
  • Fix – Prevent Yoast SEO 19.2 notice due to integration with The Events Calendar [TEC-4662]
  • Fix – Prevent fatal when using The Events Calendar with Event Tickets due to Common library not being updated.

Board and Volunteer Management

Board Management and Portal by Wired Impact

  • Fix: Google Workspace login no longer requires redirect
  • New: Google SSO from the login page – Org supported!
  • New: Google Drive folder integration with support for shared drives

NonprofitPress Exclusives

Hustle Pro

Hustle Pro by WPMU DEV x Smashstar Media

  • New and improved integrations for Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Mad Mimi email marketing
  • On NonprofitPress, now tied to Board Management and Volunteer Management for improved interest and skill questionnaires

Forminator Pro by WPMU DEV x Smashstar Media

  • New repeater field for forms – great when asking for guests or other details with unknown quantities
  • On NonprofitPress, new and improved integration with Board Management and Volunteer Management for improved interest and skill questionnaires, surveys, and even content submissions

What’s in the Pipeline 👀

For the first time, we’re making our roadmap and development pipeline open to our clients and customers. Until we provide that link, here’s a look at what we have coming soon to your website:

PDF Generator Add-On

Integrated PDF Generator
for Forminator Pro by WPMU DEV x Smashstar Media

  • This will replace the legacy “E2PDF” extension currently used to generate PDFs from Forminator Forms – this extension was limited to 1 page, 1 template, where as the new integration is all included and does not require an additional annual license
  • This feature will be available as a closed beta in the next few weeks; If you’d like to try it on your own NonprofitPress site (staging or local), please drop a line to [email protected] or fill out the contact form below
GiveWP plugin logo
GiveWP 3.0 Forms

New Form Builder and Core (v3.0) BETA
for GiveWP Donations by GiveWP x Smashstar Media

  • GiveWP is once again overhauling their donation management plugin – this time giving us everything we’ve ever asked for with a brand new, Gutenberg block-based donation form builder!
  • This feature will be available as a closed beta in the next month as an add-on plugin; If you’d like to try it on your own NonprofitPress site (production, staging, or local), please drop a line to [email protected] or fill out the contact form below

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Send a message to our support pros or request to try one of our upcoming releases by completing the form below: